The Hobrechtswald

The Hobrechtswald


Welcome to the Hobrechtswald forest, a changing recreational landscape of woods and water on the site of a former waste water works in the north-east of Berlin.


Spring is blooming in the Hobrechtswald. The sun’s rays are growing stronger every day. Plants are sprouting and blooming everywhere and the breeding season has begun. Red-backed shrikes and cranes are laying their eggs and will keep them warm until their young hatch. And the Hobrechtswald’s grazing animals are also giving birth to their young.

More information for your visit to the Hobrechtswald (Link zu 010 Informationen)



Summer has arrived in the Hobrechtswald. On the “Langen Tag der Stadtnatur” (Long Day of City Nature) the Berlin Forestry Commission offers a varied program of events. The foresters inform visitors about their work and their jobs in and around the forest. Summer camps and the sculptors´ symposium “Steine ohne Grenzen” (Stones without Borders) take place regularly.

More information for your visit to the Hobrechtswald (Link zu 010 Informationen)



The Hobrechtswald is changing into its autumn gown. The leaves are turning red. The meadows are cloaked in fog. The days are getting shorter and the first migratory birds start heading southwards. Now is also the start of the hunting season. Because there are hardly any large predators such as wolves or bears the stock of game has to be regulated in this way.

More information for your visit to the Hobrechtswald (Link zu 010 Informationen)


Winter is here. Plant and animal life rests for the winter, but not the foresters, who have a lot to do in winter. The leafless trees make it easier for the forest workers to see and take care of anything that might be dangerous to visitors. The frozen earth also makes it easier to work with heavy machinery and is less susceptible to damage.

More information for your visit to the Hobrechtswald (Link zu 010 Informationen)

Recreational Forest

The Hobrechtswald is both the youngest and also probably the most unusual forest in Berlin. After about a century of use as waste water works it has now become a recreational area and a great place for nature observation for young and old alike.

More about the recreational forest (Link zu 020 Erholungswald)

Forest pasture

The Hobrechtswald is the largest forest pasture project in Germany. Since 2011, tough breeds of cattle and horses have been allowed to graze on large, fenced-off areas that are still largely accessible to the public. The grazing animals play an important role in the care and preservation of the landscape.

More about forest pasture (Link zu 030 Waldweide)



The “Lietzengraben” is a drainage ditch that crosses the area. Large shallow ponds accumulate in low-lying areas around the ditch. During its usage as a run-off ditch for waste water, the “Lietzengraben” was straightened and deepened so that the water could drain away more quickly. Nowadays various hydraulic engineering measures keep the water in the landscape to prevent the drying out of the soil.

More about the Lietzengraben (Link zu 040 Lietzengraben)

Waste water works history

At the end of the 19th century the native sparse pine forest was cut down to make way for a waste water works complex to deal with Berlin’s increasing sanitation requirements. After the shutdown of the very intensively used waste water works a completely transformed landscape was left behind along with contaminated soil.

More about the waste water works history (Link zu 050 Rieselfeldgeschichte)


010 Information

The Hobrechtswald



Access (Link zu 011_Erreichbarkeit)

The Hobrechtswald lies in the north of the Pankow district and spreads over the border of Berlin into Brandenburg. The Hobrechtswald is best explored by bicycle. The Hobrechtswald is well connected to the public transport system. The nearest station is Berlin-Buch, which is just a 30-minute ride on the S2 line from S-Bahnhof Friedrichstraße. From Berlin-Buch the Hobrechtswald can be reached by bicycle or bus or on foot.

Info points/activities (Link zu 012_Infopunkte/Angebote)

Numerous info points in the area point out interesting facts about the Hobrechtswald and help visitors to find their way around the forest. Varied activities such as guided tours or the Long Day of City Nature (Langer Tag der StadtNatur) make the Hobrechtswald a fascinating experience and a great leisure area for all age groups.


Paths (Path network) (Link zu 013 Wegenetz)

No matter whether you are on foot, on a bicycle, inline skates or on horseback, the best way to explore the Hobrechtswald is via its well-developed network of paths. Some paths, such as the “Rieselrundweg” and the art paths are stimulating and interesting circular routes.


The “Rieselrundweg” historic path (Link zu 014 Rieselrundweg)

The converted waste water pipes with sky blue tops mark the route of the “Rieselrundweg”. It leads past old treatment ponds and other relicts of times gone by. The online “Audioguide Hobrechtswald” (Link zu 063 Audioguides Hobrechtswald) keeps the eventful history of the former waste water works alive and informs you about new developments and particular aspects of the Hobrechtswald.


Art paths (Link zu 015 Kunstpfade)

A feature of the “Bucher Forstes” (the Buch Forest) and the Hobrechtswald are the many sculptures that have been integrated into the landscape and which can be discovered along a circular pathway. The largest part has been created by the sculptors’ symposium “Steine ohne Grenzen” which has taken place regularly since 2001 to create a unique open air gallery in cooperation with the Berlin Forestry Commission.

Rules (Link zu 016 Regeln)

The Hobrechtswald is a protected recreational forest under the terms of the Berlin Forest Act. Certain rules apply in the whole area. Many woodland pastures areas are accessible to visitors. But please remember to observe any forest regulations that may be posted there.


Barrier free access:

With a few exceptions, all paths through the Hobrechtswald are barrier free, but the use of wheelchairs, prams or buggies on gravel paths may be difficult, depending on their general condition and weather influences. The observation platforms are only accessible via stairs.


011 Access

The Hobrechtswald – Information


The Hobrechtswald can be easily reached via public transport. (Link zu Berlin-Buch S-Bahn station (fare zone AB) is just half an hour’s ride on the S2 line from Friedrichstrasse station. The Hobrechtswald parking lot “Steine ohne Grenzen” is about an hour’s walk from Berlin-Buch. From the stations Röntgental and Zerpernick (fare zone ABC) on the S2 line, you will need about 45 minutes to walk to the Hobrechtswald. Alternatively, you could simply catch a bus from Berlin-Buch or Zerpernick stations. There is also a regional train service known as the “Heidekrautbahn” which goes to Hobrechtswald from the stations Schönerlinde and Schönwalde.


Taking a bicycle is recommended. It takes about 20 minutes to reach Hobrechtswald by bike from Berlin-Buch station, and cycling is certainly one of the best ways of exploring the Hobrechtswald area.


If you are travelling by car you can park in the designated parking zones close to the Gut Hobrechtsfelde estate (Link zu and at the “Steine ohne Grenzen” car park, which is also the starting point of the art path (coordinates: 52,6736° N and 13, 4995° E).


All public transport stations and stops as well as car parking areas are marked on the Interactive map and the downloadable hiking map (Link zu 090 Downloads/Links)


012 Info points/ activities

Information about The Hobrechtswald

Info points/ activities

Discover the unique recreational forest in the north of Berlin!


The Hobrechtswald can be easily reached from the centre of Berlin and provides a unique and varied experience for all visitors, thanks to its well maintained and diverse path network (Link zu 013 Wegenetz).

Picture gallery (Link zu 062 Bildergalerie)

Info points

Info points are situated at several places along the paths through the Hobrechtswald. They provide information about the history and cultivation of the landscape and current developments in the area. They also present information about the interaction and interdependency of the forest ecosystem with water and soil, as well as with plant and animal life. The info points are also useful for finding your way through the forest.


Berlin Forestry Commission Activities

Pankow Forestry Commission and Buch District Forestry Agency offer guided tours and environmental education for schools and kindergartens on request.

Applications can be sent to the Pankow Forestry Commission or Buch District Forestry Agency (Link zu 080 Kontakt).



Refreshments are available at the outdoor café at the Gut Hobrechtsfelde estate (Link zu + Link zu which is open on weekends from 11 am till 5 pm. Catering is also possible during the week by booking beforehand.


Forest education

The Buch Forest School (Link zu offers woodland experiences throughout the year and for all age groups. The school is the starting point for exploration tours and also offers a host of interesting exhibits in and around the cosy wooden cabin: a barefoot path, a forest organ, an animal long-jump pit and a walk-through diorama where foxes, badgers, woodpeckers and other animals can be viewed as specimens.

Long Day of City Nature (Langer Tag der StadtNatur)

Berlin’s Forestry Commission also takes part in the annual “Langer Tag der StadtNatur” (Long Day of City Nature). Interested parties can join the Birdsong Walk and many other extraordinary guided tours and activities to broaden their knowledge about nature and visit natural habitats normally not accessible to the public.

Detailed Information can be obtained on the website “Langer Tag der StadtNatur (Link zu


Gut Hobrechtsfelde Estate

The former estate Gut Hobrechtsfelde borders directly on the Hobrechtswald and is a good starting point for walkers wanting to explore the area.

An exhibition in the former granary presents information about the history of the waste water works.

The exhibition is usually opened daily from 12 noon till 4 pm (check by phone or make appointments for access outside of regular opening times.) There are also plans for further development of the area by a number of different institutions such as the Förderverein Naturpark Barnim e.V (Link zu

The playground on the Gut Hobrechtsfelde estate is a great place for kids to play. A petting zoo for young and old is situated nearby, and pony and donkey rides are available at weekends.

Guided tours, such as the “Herbal Hike” are also on offer to help visitors discover the area. They are led by local experts and provide a very special way of experiencing the diversity of the landscape.

Detailed information for these activities and others are available on the following websites: Gut Hobrechtsfelde (Link zu and Naturpark Barnim e.V (Link zu


013 Path Network

The Hobrechtswald – Information

Path Network

The Hobrechtswald can be explored in many different ways thanks to its well developed and versatile network of paths.

Picture gallery (Link zu 062 Bildergalerie)

Hiking paths

Many parts of the Hobrechtswald can be explored using the convenient bicycle and foot paths.

Along the paths you will find several observation platforms and viewing points, information boards (Link zu 012 Infopunkte/Angebote) as well as relicts (Link zu 014 Rieselrundweg) from the area’s former use as a waste water works. Wind shelters offer safety during storms and rain as well as providing a place to stop and rest whatever the weather.


Bridle paths

The Berlin Forestry Commission maintains bridle paths in all the major forest areas of Berlin, and Hobrechtswald is no exception. If you are interested in exploring the area on horseback, you will need a riding permit (Link zu, which can be obtained at the relevant district forestry offices.

Skate and bicycle routes

Combined skate and bicycle routes have been established by the municipalities on the Brandenburg side of the forest for use with skateboards, longboards, inline skates and bicycles. These fast and gravel-free routes run parallel to “Hobrechtsfelder Dorfstrasse”, “Schönerlinder Strasse”, ”Schönwalder Chaussee” and “Bernauer Damm”.



014 “Rieselrundweg” (historic path)

The Hobrechtswald – Information


The highly visible converted waste water pipes (Link zu 042 Bauwerke), with their sky blue tops, mark out the route of the waste water works history path (Link zu 050 Rieselfeldgeschichte). One of the many observation platforms lies adjacent to the path: The platform at Pond 13 offers a broad view of the surrounding landscape.

Picture gallery (Link zu 062 Bildergalerie)

Since the waste water works has been abandoned the terrain around the village of Hobrechtsfelde has undergone a process of constant change. Only a few traces bear witness to the original use of the grounds. An audio guide has been created to keep alive the eventful history of the area in a changing landscape and to help visitors to understand the traces that remain.

The Audio Guide to Hobrechtswald (Link zu 063 Audioguides Hobrechtswald) illustrates the unique and varied history of the site. For example, the guide points out the remaining relicts of the waste water works and their former uses. Reports from contemporary witnesses tell visitors about life on the waste water works. The issue of water re-introduction (Link zu 041 Wiedervernässung) and the difficult transformation of the area into a recreational forest (Link zu 020 Erholungswald) is also explained. In addition, the audio guide provides information about the concept of woodland pastures (Link zu 031 Beweidung) and reveals insights into the interaction between forest and art (Link zu 015 Kunstpfade).

The Audio Guide to Hobrechtswald is downloadable (Link zu 063 Audioguides Hobrechtswald) in mp3- Format. The individual places mentioned in the audio guide are marked by small steel pipes. The chapters of the audio guide can be downloaded via QR-Code. To help visitors find their way through the area, all places mentioned in the guide are also marked on the hiking map (Link zu 090 Downloads/Links).

If you decide to explore the “Rieselrundweg” on foot please note that you have to walk quite far to reach some of the relicts and exhibits. We recommend that you choose a number of specific items to visit that are all within walking distance from the nearest parking lot. It is not necessary to listen to the audio guide in order. The audio guide chapters are self-contained and independent of each other.


015 Art paths

The Hobrechtswald – Information

Art paths

A special feature of the Bucher Forest and the Hobrechtswald are the many sculptures that can be viewed along the art paths.

Picture gallery (Link zu 062 Bildergalerie)

The aim of the Buch District Forestry Commission is to transform the old timber forest and the newer area of the Hobrechtswald into a special natural and cultural region. An international sculpture symposium “Steine ohne Grenzen (Link zu has taken place regularly every summer since 2001, with participation from sculptors from all over the world. The event organizers want to set an example for intercultural understanding, peace and humanity. The idea behind the symposium is the dream of the artist and sculptor Otto Freundlich to create a line of sculptures stretching from Paris to Moscow.

The artworks created in the symposium are positioned at special spots in the woodlands, which has also given rise to a number of specially-created art paths around Berlin-Buch and Hobrechtsfelde. Visitors can view over 100 stone and wooden sculptures produced by artists from more than 25 different countries.

An extraordinary open air gallery has been created in cooperation with the Berlin Forestry Commission.

Hiking Map

016 Rules

The Hobrechtswald – Information


The Hobrechtswald is open all year round and has something to offer for everybody. To accommodate the interests of different users and to protect the habitat for plant- and animal life, a number of rules apply for recreation, riding bicycles and walking dogs.

Do’s and Don’ts for the Woodlands

  • Do not leave trash in the forest and do not litter or pollute the waters! Animals could eat the trash and might get sick.

  • Avoid unnecessary noise! The forest is a place of quiet and recreation and if you are silent you might get the opportunity to see or hear shy woodland creatures.

  • Keep dogs on a lead! In all seasons dogs are to be leashed at all times. Dogs are only allowed to run free in designated dog exercise areas. Please do not let your dog swim in the water.

  • Do not light fires! Open fire is very dangerous and can easily lead to a forest fire. Open camp fires are only permitted in designated areas. Smoking is forbidden in all Berlin forests throughout the whole year.

  • Do not stay in the forest during thunderstorms! You could be hit by falling branches or be hit by trees that have been struck by lightning.

  • Cars and motorcycles are not allowed! Only vehicles with a permit from the forestry commission are allowed to be used. Please only park your vehicle at designated parking lots, to avoid the risk of obstructing emergency vehicles or wood-trucks.

  • Do not ride or cycle outside the paths! Cycling or riding is only allowed on broad or designated paths. Please be considerate of hikers and walkers.

  • Never disregard forestry barriers! There is a risk of death due to falling trees during logging.

  • Do not climb raised hides! Hunting facilities may not be entered due to security reasons.

  • Do not climb over cultivating fences! Please do not step onto young plants or break off branches to avoid harming the plants.

  • Do not scratch or carve the bark of trees! The trunk of the trees is unprotected on damaged areas.

  • Do not gather protected plants! You are only allowed to gather herbs or flowers if you recognize them and know they are not protected. This also applies to fruit and wood.

  • Do not pet animals that appear tame! They might have rabies.

The Berlin Forestry Commission would also like to draw your attention to the special rules for horse riding (Link zu

Please also note the rules of behaviour at the entrances to pasture areas.


020 Recreational forest

The Hobrechtswald

Recreational forest

Sustainability and long term planning are characteristic of forestry thinking. This principle also applies to the Hobrechtswald and the Berlin Forestry Commission, who are responsible for a healthy and stable forest that future generations can benefit from. The Berlin Forestry Commission cares for and protects the forest and helps to maintain its unusual structure and variety. They create the conditions necessary for the recreational use of the forest and maintain a healthy and young population of trees.

Picture gallery (Link zu 062 Bildergalerie)


Forest development

The Berlin Forestry Commission pursues the sustainable and natural development of the forest and landscape with the aim of maintaining a sparse and mixed woodland area consisting predominately of oak trees. In addition to typical forestry tasks, this also includes measures for maintaining structural diversity through the tending of open and partially open areas, and the management of the water and grazing areas.

Ecological importance

The sustainable care and cultivation of the forests by the Berlin Forestry Commission offers a rare and varied habitat for flora and fauna. Many endangered species have established themselves in the Hobrechtswald.

Recreational value

Another important task of the Berlin Forestry Commission is the creation of a recreational forest for the population of Berlin. The forest offers quality of life, fresh air and a balanced climate as well as the regeneration of clean groundwater for current and future generations.


030 Woodland pasture

The Hobrechtswald

Woodland pasture

Since 2011 the Hobrechtswald has been the location of the largest woodland pasture project in Germany. Semi-open woodland has been growing on the former waste water works (Link zu 050 Rieselfeldgeschichte) since the end of the 1980s. Extensive areas of woodland pasture are maintained in large fenced, but generally accessible, meadows with robust breeds of cattle and horses.

Picture gallery (Link zu 062 Bildergalerie)


The Berlin Forestry Commission has created the spacious woodland pasture areas with their population of cattle and horses to sustain the semi-open and diverse woodland landscape. Visitors can get a rough impression of how the landscape would previously have developed under the influence of large grazing mammals. A number of pasture areas can also be accessed via marked gates.

Grazing animals

Different hardy breeds of cattle such as Scottish Highland, “Ukermärker” and White Park Cattle live in the Hobrechtswald. In addition, horse breeds such as Koniks and Norwegian Fjord Horses have also been introduced. These robust grazing animals stay outdoors the whole year round and feed mostly on grasses and herbs, as well as twigs from shrubs and trees.

Ecological importance

The grazing of cattle and horses helps to maintain and nurture the special semi-open landscape of the Hobrechtswald, which is also a habitat for many rare and protected species.


040 The “Lietzengraben” drainage ditch

The Hobrechtswald


The lowlands of the “Lietzengraben” are large shallow water zones. During the use as a waste water works the ditch was straightened and deepened so that large quantities of water could be drained. Today however, the intention is rather to keep the water in the landscape. After the decommissioning of the waste water works the area around Hobrechtsfelde became more arid and groundwater levels sank. Re-watering has already been a success, and many rare waterfowl, marsh birds and amphibians have once again settled in the area.

Picture gallery (Link zu 062 Bildergalerie)



With the aid of the Environmental Relief Programs (UEP) I and II several hydraulic engineering measures were undertaken to re-water the area. The soil was restored using the specially developed “Bucher Process”. Since 2005 the water balance has been stabilized via the distribution of clarified water.

Artificial Ponds

Ponds 12 and 13 are reminders of the area’s previous use as a waste water works (Link zu 050 Rieselfeldgeschichte). They were created in 2002 to help with the re-watering (Link zu 041 Wiedervernässung) of the landscape. Old wall structures serve as the boundaries of the ponds.

Ecological importance

The formation of new wetlands and the stabilization of existing water and marshy forest areas have resulted in a considerable upgrade to the “Lietzengraben” area from the point of view of nature conservation. It is now home to many species, and rare marsh and water birds and amphibians can be observed in and around the biotopes. Demolition and decontamination measures have also considerably reduced environmental stress levels.


050 Waste water works history

The Hobrechtswald

Waste water works history

In the past, the area around Hobrechtswald was characterized by pine forest, farmland and marshes. Some areas were used for agricultural purposes, and the low-lying “Liezengraben” area (Link zu 040 Lietzengraben) was used as grassland from the end of the 18th century. In the 19th century the waste water works were created on the outskirts of Berlin in order to solve the problems of waste water disposal and the associated unhygienic conditions in the growing metropolis.

Despite the continual processes of intervention, destruction and transformation that have been taking place since the 19th century, and which have profoundly changed the appearance of the area, nowadays the Hobrechtswald has become an important recreational area in the north of Berlin, thanks to the tireless efforts of the Berlin Forestry Commission.


The advantage of the waste water works was the idea that wastewater should not only be filtered through the soil, but that it should also act as fertilizer for farming on the relatively infertile sandy soils. This made it possible for large farming estates to be founded around the waste water works. In 1908 the Hobrechtsfelde estate was founded, named after the creator of the system and Berlin’s Head of City Planning, James Hobrecht.


In the 1960s increasing amounts of waste water led to the conversion of the works to intensive filter operation with permanently inundated basins. The contaminants in the industrially polluted water began to accumulate in the soil, rendering continued agricultural use impossible.

Forest idea

The idea for the forest was based on a 1984 resolution by the Berlin Magistrate regarding a “Concept for the Further Development of Agriculture in Berlin up to 1990”. The transformation of the waste water works into woodland began after its closure in 1985.


Following the commissioning of the “Schönerlinde” waste water treatment plant in 1985 the Hobrechtsfelde works was shut down. The sudden cessation of the inflow of large amounts of water immediately led to the drying-out of the soil and to lower groundwater levels. The soil in the fields making up the former waste water works was also highly polluted. The disrupted soil situation presented significant challenges for subsequent use and continues to complicate the re-forestation process to this day.


060 Media center

The Hobrechtswald

Media center

Worth a visit!

The Hobrechtswald features many attractions. The observation platform at pond 13 offers a broad view of the landscape. Old waste water pipes with blue tops indicate the “Rieselrundweg” (historic path) and small steel pipes point out the audio guide stations. Numerous sculptures can be discovered on the art paths of the Bucher Forest and the Hobrechtswald and make the area a scenic and artistic specialty. Just as interesting are the large, partially accessible meadows that serve as grazing areas for hardy breeds of cattle and horses.

A Short Film about the Hobrechtswald

This short film impressively demonstrates how a diverse recreational forest was created in a relatively small area.

Picture gallery Hobrechtswald

The numerous pictures of the Hobrechtswald on display in our gallery make it clear why the forest is such a great destination in every season.

Hobrechtswald Audio Guide

The Hobrechtswald audio guide brings alive the history of the former waste water works via interviews with contemporary witnesses as well as informing visitors about the ongoing transformation of the landscape and other particular aspects of the Hobrechtswald. A separate children’s audio guide leads young visitors through the Hobrechtswald with the aid of a little bird called a red-backed shrike.


070 Nature reserves

The Hobrechtswald

Nature reserves

In the last couple of years large landscape zones within the “Naturpark Barnim” interstate nature park have been turned into nature reserves. Together with the Westbarnim Landscape Conservation Area (LCA) in Brandenburg, the Buch LCA forms a large and continuous landscape protection area. The Buch LCA covers an area of 870 hectares (2150 acres or 8.7 km2), and also contains the “Bogenseekette und Lietzengrabenniederung” nature reserve (Link zu A part of the nature reserve is in the Hobrechtswald, the “Bogensee” is located in the Bucher Forest.

Nature Reserve “Bogenseekette und Lietzengrabenniederung”

The nature reserve consists of two separate parts, one of which is the “Liezengrabenniederung” (Link zu 040 Lietzengraben) to the west of the Bucher Forest – a fen characterized by wetland meadows. Rare marsh birds and wetland fowl such as garganey, red-necked grebe and lapwings have established themselves in the newly developed expanses of water with reed belts and sedges. During migratory periods birds such as the crane use the wetlands as sleeping and breeding grounds. In dry periods sandpipers, such as the wood sandpiper and the common snipe, are attracted by the large mudflats that form due to the sinking water level.

The second part of the nature reserve is made up of the area around the “Bogenseekette” with reed belts, semi-natural forest in the north and the Bucher woodland meadows. The “Bogenseekette” is an important spawning ground for amphibians, with over 2000 European toads migrating into the wetlands every year. The nature reserve also shelters numerous beetle species. A guidance system for small mammals and amphibians has also been installed, including several underpasses along the “Schönlinder Chaussee”, so that the animals can migrate freely.

The Bucher Forest forms the heart of the Buch Landscape Conservation Area and is made up of diverse, semi-natural, mixed woodland with waterlogged wooded areas and stands of oak and beech trees. Marsh marigold and iris grow on the moist meadows and in the patches of waterlogged forest. The only natural occurrence of the liverwort in the state of Berlin can be found in the old-growth forest. Woodpecker, tawny owl, bats and rare beetles live in the old beech and oak trees.


Adjacent nature reserves

Three other nature reserves can be found adjacent to the Hobrechtswald. These are the “Karower Teiche” Nature Reserve (Link zu to the south, the “Schönower Heide” Nature Reserve (Link zu to the north and the “Mittelbruch” Nature Reserve (Link zu ) to the east.

Picture gallery (Link zu 062 Bildergalerie)


080 Contacts

The Hobrechtswald


The district officers of the Berlin Forestry Commission in Pankow are responsible for the upkeep, maintenance and development of the Hobrechtswald.


Forestry Commission Pankow

Blankenfelder Chaussee 7, 13159 Berlin

Tel: 030 474988-0

Forstamtsleiter (Head of Forestry Commission): Romeo Kappel

E-Mail: [email protected]


District Forestry Buch


Hobrechtsfelder Chaussee 119, 13125 Berlin

Tel.: 030 9495600

Revierleiter (District Forester): Olaf Zeuschner

E-Mail: [email protected]


District Forestry Blankenfelde


Blankenfelder Chaussee 7, 13159 Berlin

Tel.: 030 47498810

Revierleiter (District Forester): Bodo Janitza

E-Mail: [email protected]


District Forestry Gorin


Pankgrafenstr. 11 A, 13125 Berlin,

Tel.: 030 47411904

Revierleiter (District Forester): Ingmar Preuße

E-Mail: [email protected]